WIOMSA is inviting expressions of interest to host the Twelfth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium from all the countries in the region including those that have hosted the symposium before. The twelfth Symposium is scheduled to be held in the second half of 2022, preferably in October or November 2022. The deadline for submission of expressions of...
The WIOMSA Board of Trustees has appointed Arthur Tuda as the new Executive Secretary effective 1st February 2020. Arthur will take over the wheels of WIOMSA as part of the succession plan of the Association. The outgoing Executive Secretary, Julius Francis will remain as an advisor for few months to ensure a smooth transition. Arthur...
WIOMSA, through its Cities and Coasts project, is announcing calls for research proposals to conduct research and to support the organization of training courses/workshops. For detailed instructions on these grants, download the full announcement for the calls and the guidelines for preparing proposals. The deadline for submission of proposals is 1 March 2020. Applications should...
The Rhodes University Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science (DIFS) in collaboration with WIOMSA are offering the first University-accredited regional Introductory MPA Management Training Course which will be run from the 30th March to the 3rd April 2020 at the Rhodes University, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The deadline for submission of application is 16h00 (SAST,...
The Women in Marine Science Network (WiMS) has inspired the release of two special editions of the WIOMSA Magazine featuring the stories of women working in the marine and coastal field in the Western Indian Ocean region and beyond. Breaking the class ceiling: stories from women who are making a difference in coastal and marine...
WIOMSA through the MASMA programme, is pleased to announce two calls: i) A call for research proposals ii) A call for proposals to support organizations of training courses/workshops and Publications of books/manuals. Please read the instructions carefully and prepare your proposals accordingly. Proposals prepared not according to the format will not be reviewed. Download the...
WIOMSA is inviting submission of proposals for its Marine Research Grant (MARG) Program for 2020. The MARG programme provides young and upcoming scientists with a reliable and flexible mechanism to turn their ideas into research projects and also offers opportunity for presentation of research results at various regional and international fora. Please note that, applications...
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.