
The edition is the second part of a series inspired by the Women in Marine Science Network (WiMS) based on the theme “Breaking the class ceiling; Stories from women who are making a difference in coastal and marine resource management”.  The editor, Rebecca Loustau-Lalanne, sums up this special issue that comes to you in the midst...
WIOMSA is inviting nominations of candidates for the WIOMSA Emerging Scientist Award. The award recognizes significant achievements and outstanding contributions made by emerging scientists for research in coastal and marine sciences in the WIO region. The deadline for submission of nominations is 30th June 2020. Download the full announcement.
New research published this week has shown that community-led marine conservation can increase the size of fish populations − a critical objective for conservationists working to protect coral reefs. The study, published this week in the journal Ocean and Coastal Management, analysed data collected from five community-managed reserves (areas permanently protected from fishing) within the Velondriake Locally...
This article was first published as a commentary on Mongabay on April 22nd 2020, written by Blue Ventures’ Executive Director, Dr Alasdair Harris. Blue Ventures is an NGO that develops community-led approaches to marine conservation that benefit communities and the environment. Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on vulnerable communities in the Global South go far beyond...
While global efforts to tackle poverty are making progress, conservation isn’t following the same trajectory. The world’s oceans are warming and the abundance of life on earth is dropping at rates unprecedented in human history. Globally, a million plant and animal species are now threatened with extinction putting at risk humanity’s life support systems. All...
For the next edition of the WIOMSA Magazine, we are inviting articles on the theme “Restoring damaged WIO Coastal Ecosystems”. Restoration of coastal ecosystems is regarded as a viable nature-based solution in achieving a wide range of global development goals. It is for this reason that 2021–2030 has been proclaimed the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem...
WIOMSA is pleased to announce an inaugural call to support innovative actions (demonstration and pilot projects), through the Innovation for Sustainability Grant programme. To address modern-day marine sustainability challenges, the grant programme supported by both the Marine and Coastal Science for Management (MASMA) programme and the Cities and Coasts (C&C) project, is established to bridge...
Read the latest WIOMSA Newsbrief which features articles on the UN Decade of Ocean Science in the Western Indian Ocean, newly published papers such as the regional connectivity and the placement of MPAs in the WIO region and the challenges of small scale fisheries. We also cover a range of events that have taken place in...
WIOMSA is inviting nominations of candidates for the WIOMSA Fellow and Honorary members program. Fellow and Honorary memberships are awarded to individuals in recognition of their exemplary/ outstanding/ distinguished contribution to the development of marine science research in the region and/or problem-solving and actions geared towards improving the management of coastal and marine environment in...
Blue Ventures is an NGO that develops community-led approaches to marine conservation that benefit communities and the environment. Five years ago, the organisation helped launch Madagascar’s PHE Network – bringing together partners in the field of health and conservation in response to the interconnected challenges of poor community health and environmental degradation. This growing network...
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Read the March Edition of the WIOMSA Newsbrief!
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