About Wio-C

The Consortium for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-C, “the Consortium”) comprises a group of international and regional NGOs in partnership with intergovernmental organizations that have presence and are active in regional marine and coastal ecosystem management in the Western Indian Ocean.

The Consortium was officially launched at the Fifth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention held in Johannesburg, South Africa in November 2007, with the main purpose of advancing efforts to protect, conserve, and manage the coastal and marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean region while working to alleviate poverty and attain sustainable livelihoods for the most vulnerable segments of its population.


Our vision is of healthy coastal and marine environments that support and sustain the livelihoods and prosperity of the people of the Western Indian Ocean.


Our mission is to advance efforts to protect, conserve, and manage the coastal and marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean region while working to alleviate poverty and attain sustainable livelihoods for the most vulnerable segments of its population.


  • To develop a common vision and strategic priorities for marine conservation among regional institutions
  • To capitalize on synergies among existing programmes of work on marine and ecosystem management
  • To support the efforts of local organizations and create a unified voice in the international community on behalf of regional stakeholders
  • To strengthen the implementation of the Nairobi Convention Work Programme


The purpose of the Consortium is to support synergy in programmes of work on marine and coastal ecosystem management and promote knowledge and information sharing amongst stakeholders in the Western Indian Ocean region. Providing a mechanism for non-governmental entities to anchor activities in the Nairobi Convention and other intergovernmental processes and thus strengthening their implementation. To this end, the Consortiums’ main activities focus on networking, coordination, lobbying, decision support, resource mobilisation, and programme development and implementation.