Innovation for Sustainability Grant: Calls for Submission of Concept Notes

WIOMSA is pleased to announce an inaugural call to support innovative actions (demonstration and pilot projects), through the Innovation for Sustainability Grant programme. To address modern-day marine sustainability challenges, the grant programme supported by both the Marine and Coastal Science for Management (MASMA) programme and the Cities and Coasts (C&C) project, is established to bridge the gap between marine research and innovation. In this call, WIOMSA aims to provide competitive grants that drive innovation for a sustainable marine environment.

The goal of the Innovation for Sustainability Grant programme is to support the development and testing of transformative, paradigm-shifting concepts, and approaches that address and enhance our understanding of marine and coastal environmental issues.

For detailed instructions on these grants, download the full announcement.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 26 June 2020. Applications should be completed and support documents uploaded at

Questions for clarification on this call, be sent by email to