
The March 2021 issue of the WIOMSA Newsbrief is a bumper edition filled with informative news on the recently concluded regional Science to Policy meeting convened by the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA; the results of the vote by WIOMSA Members on the WIOMSA General Assembly and Board Tenure; new projects under WIOMSA’s research programmes; updates...
The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) is delighted to announce the upcoming release of a new training manual, Exercises in Marine Biodiversity and Ecology: A Training Manual using the Intertidal Habitats of the WIO region. You are invited to participate in the online launch from 1500 – 1600 on March 5, 2021. Download...
Read the latest issue of the WIOMSA Newsbrief which features articles on the timing of the next WIOMSA General Assembly and the term of the WIOMSA Board of Trustees. We share news from the Marine and Coastal Science for Management (MASMA) programme and the Cities and Coasts project, highlights from newly published papers, regional news,...
2019 was a year of remarkable progress and impact for WIOMSA. The 2019 Annual report captures how WIOMSA has worked mindfully and effectively to take advantage of the opportunities presented to work at the intersection of science, management, policy and society in the coastal and marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean region. The various...
Blue Action Fund is interested in setting up a network of evaluators of its grant programme. To that effect, it is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified candidates in Eastern and Western Africa and the Eastern Tropical Pacific Regions. With a growing grant portfolio, the objective is to identify a small number of experts in...
In response to the decisions of the Contracting Parties, the Nairobi Convention Secretariat and WIOMSA in collaboration with partners will convene a Science to Policy meeting in February 2021. The meeting will promote the link between science and policy for evidence-based decision making and provide the COP with timely technical advice and policy recommendations for...
Read the latest WIOMSA Newsbrief which features articles on the UN Decade of Ocean Science in the Western Indian Ocean, newly published papers such as the regional connectivity and the placement of MPAs in the WIO region and the challenges of small scale fisheries. We also cover a range of events that have taken place in...
WIOMSA is inviting expressions of interest to host the Twelfth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium from all the countries in the region including those that have hosted the symposium before. The twelfth Symposium is scheduled to be held in the second half of 2022, preferably in October or November 2022. The deadline for submission of expressions of...
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