Marine Research Grant (MARG) Program: Call for Proposals 2020 is out now!

WIOMSA is inviting submission of proposals for its Marine Research Grant (MARG) Program for 2020. The MARG programme provides young and upcoming scientists with a reliable and flexible mechanism to turn their ideas into research projects and also offers opportunity for presentation of research results at various regional and international fora.
Please note that, applications can only be submitted through the online system. Only those applications submitted via this system will be processed. Applications should be completed, and support documents uploaded at the
i) For MARG I:
ii) For MARG II:
iii) For MARG III:

Please read the instructions carefully before completing the relevant form.
The deadline for submission of MARG I applications 14th February 2020. MARG II & III applications are processed all year round subject to availability of funds, at the time of submission.
For detailed instructions for applying for these grants, download the call for proposals and to apply visit