Community-based holothurian aquaculture as a sustainable alternative livelihood

Title of the Initiative (project/programme): Community-based holothurian aquaculture as a sustainable alternative livelihood

Project Overview:

Start date: 2011

End date:

Countries covered: Madagascar

Donor(s): Norgesvel, Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation, Smart Fish, CITE

Principal Investigator: Blue Ventures




A model is developed for community-based aquaculture in which farms are fully owned and operated by communities. Our community-based aquaculture initiative provides coastal people with new sources of income, allowing improved access to food and education, while alleviating pressure on fisheries and marine biodiversity.


Key activities:

Blue Ventures provides training and setup finance. We also help to nurture small business development with training programmes that build the technical, financial, managerial and organisational skills needed by fishermen and women to manage their own aquaculture businesses.

Main outputs:

  • Fishers and their families make minimum monthly income from the sale of sea cucumbers and contribute to a farmer-managed development fund that benefits the wider community.
  • Community-run sea cucumber farms are productive and well-managed with strong integration into locally managed marine area (LMMA) planning
  • Alternative livelihood opportunities lead to improved management of natural resources and reduced fishing pressure
  • Diversified and increased income allows engagement in resource management strategies, while integration into LMMA increases effectiveness and sustainability of governance framework

Partners involved: The University of Edinburgh, ABEF 2019