WIOMSA and the Nairobi Convention have jointly produced two issues of the WIOMSA Magazine focusing on restoring damaged coastal ecosystems. The publication of this issue of the Magazine in 2020 is quite timely, coinciding with the start of the decade of ecosystem for which the United Nations has unequivocally reaffirmed that “restoring damaged ecosystems is an efficient and cost-effective way people can work with nature to address the most pressing challenges humanity is facing today”. The case studies documented in Part 1 of this series showcase how much restoration work has been undertaken across the WIO Region in both the mainland and the Island states. From many of these case studies, bold lessons have been learnt for sharing within and even outside the region.These lessons include the adoption of innovative technologies. For example, in Seychelles the coral gardening technique is being applied at a scale not attempted anywhere else in the world and in Mozambique, hydrological restoration has been found to be more successful than the direct planting of mangroves, with Mother Nature helping with the restoration effort. The stories highlight some inspiring benefits of the restoration projects including an increase in fish abundance and the income of people living in a village in Kenya; an increase in tourist numbers at a restored coral lagoon in Zanzibar; and carbon credits that generate a combined income of USD 45 000 per year for communities involved in the world pioneering Mikoko Pamoja mangrove project on the southern coast of Kenya. Issue 11 features stories from projects implemented in the Seychelles, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Madagascar.
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