WIOMSA publishes two reports on science to policy uptake

WIOMSA as a partner of the MeerWissen: African-German Partners for Ocean Knowledge programme (funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development-BMZ-and implemented with support from GIZ), is pleased to announce the publication of two reports:


i) Enhancing Science-to-Policy Uptake in the Western Indian Ocean Region: Background Document and Guidelines on Effective Science to Policy Interaction. This report provides an overview of current thinking on the science-to-policy interface, including a brief overview of relevant theory and a discussion of the policy cycle as a key framing concept to inform science-to-policy engagement, as well as 15 case studies from within and outside the region, which seek to illustrate how principles of effective science-to-policy uptake have played out in real-world experiences.

ii) Western Indian Ocean Region: Quick Guide. The report provides a brief guide for enhanced policy impact to researchers working in ocean governance.